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  • September 12, 2024 8:24 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    Get ready—it's back-to-school season! And it's not just for the kids. Whether or not you have students at home or are a student yourself, we're all adjusting to the back-to-school routine, including dealing with that inevitable traffic. While that part might not be the most fun, the bright side is holding onto the summer memories and lessons we've gained, which we can reflect on and carry with us as we embrace the fresh starts ahead.

    It has been a wonderful year of learning for me. I can't believe it's almost time to pass the baton to our incoming 2025 Board. Please come share in this moment and meet our chapter's new leadership team at our upcoming ATD Houston Talent Development conference.  If you haven't registered for the event, we hope you will join us!  ATD Houston 2024 Talent Development Conference and Expo

    I'm also proud that ATD Houston has partnered with the United Way of Greater Houston in a fundraising campaign for the THRIVE Program as part of our annual conference. This partnership enables the United Way to continue providing crucial resources to help individuals in our community achieve a sustainable quality of living. Your support of this campaign furthers our shared goal of empowering individuals to thrive. Learn more and please consider supporting these efforts. The United Way of Greater Houston

    Remember, inspiration can come from so many places. We invite you to be part of an inspiring moment. Join us at an upcoming event, get involved with our chapter, meet new friends and colleagues, or become a mentor. Whatever capacity you choose to participate in, thank you for being part of our Talent Development Community. We look forward to finishing the year strong as we continue to "Grow Together!"

    With Kindness,

    Harriett Pritchett, M.Ed., CPTD©

    Chapter President

  • August 05, 2024 7:26 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    ATD Houston Members & Friends,

    It goes without saying the Summer Olympic Games have been inspiring to watch! I'm incredibly proud of the athletes from Texas who have made it to the podium so far! While the physical abilities of the athletes are impressive, we can also learn from the examples of resilience and amazing comeback stories in this year's games. These stories remind me of the value and importance of coaches and mentors, who also play vital roles throughout the journey. Having the proper support at the right time is crucial.

    It makes me think of the work ATD Houston does. Our mission is to help talent development professionals reach their full potential, which includes helping our members tap into the right resources during their careers' ups and downs. I'm excited to share the opportunity to extend this part of our mission through our newly launched Community Impact Campaign Program. Check out the latest episode of our Train to Win Podcast to learn how ATD Houston and United Way of Greater Houston are joining forces to give back to the Houston Community.  The United Way of Greater Houston

    And as you've likely heard, our annual Talent Development Conference planning is well underway! Mark your calendar for September 26th! Our speaker lineup is packed with industry experts who will share their insights and strategies, providing you with valuable knowledge to implement in your organization. You’ll want to hear from all of these talented speakers and learn something new to implement in your organization. Look out for more news and updates about the conference on our website and social media platforms.  ATD Houston 2024 Talent Development Conference and Expo 

    So that we may continue this work, we are looking for more great leaders. If you've been thinking about getting more involved with ATD Houston, there's no better time than now. Nominations for our 2025 Board of Directors are now open. Applications are due by 8/5/2024. Remember, there are various ways to get involved; whether it's a dedicated role on the board, helping with a special project, or pitching in for a one-day event, we could use your skills and expertise.  2025 Board of Directors - Now Accepting Applications

    These are indeed exciting times, and we are eagerly looking forward to having you join us in our mission to empower talent development professionals. Your involvement is crucial to our success, and we can't wait to see the impact we'll make together. 

    Let's keep winning! 

    Harriett Pritchett, M.Ed., CPTD©, Chapter President


  • June 03, 2024 8:00 PM | Barbara Davis (Administrator)

    ATD Houston Members & Friends,

    We're nearing the Summer season in Houston! It's the time of year when we're either watching out for record-breaking temperatures, following a hurricane watch, or keeping the kiddos entertained during their break. Let's brace ourselves! I hope we can all stay weather-aware and safe while finding time for some fun over the coming months. 

    Mid-year is also a great time to check in on progress toward our goals. Are you on track with what you set out to accomplish in 2024? Whether you're on track or need a reset, remember, ATD Houston is here for you! This year, ATD Houston set out to grow our membership and continue building engaging and valuable programs for individual, corporate, and sponsor members. We will be reviewing our progress at our upcoming mid-year planning retreat. If there is a program format, topic, or speaker you're particularly interested in seeing and participating in, please share it with us via Feedback@tdhouston.org

    As we map out plans for the remainder of year, we will no doubt draw inspiration from this year's ATD 24 International Conference & Expo. All I can say is WOW! There was so much to take-away from the experience and many of us are still riding the wave of enlightenment, engagement and entertainment from the event.  If you couldn't attend the conference, be sure to join us for our local recap session coming up on June 11th. 

    And in more recent news, we've launched the Speaker RFP for this year's Talent Development Conference. Mark your calendar for September 26th! We'd love to have you as a speaker, a volunteer, an attendee… or all three. Stay tuned for more news and updates about the conference, as planning is well underway! 

    And one last word about volunteers: We could really use your help! If you want to utilize your talent development business skills to help with chapter operations or develop in a new area of expertise, becoming an ATD Houston Volunteer is a great way to accomplish both. Get in touch with our volunteer team, and let us help you get involved and on a path of giving back to your talent development community. 

    I am looking forward to seeing and speaking to you soon! 

    With kindness,

    Harriett Pritchett, M.Ed., CPTD©

    Chapter President

  • May 04, 2024 3:00 PM | Barbara Davis (Administrator)

    ATD Houston Members & Friends,

    Even if you're not reading this on the 4th of May, remember, the 'Force' of learning and talent development is always with us. I'm thrilled about the diverse programs and gatherings ATD Houston has planned and delivered this year. We are continuing our mission to grow talent development professionals through creative programming and networking, aiming for unprecedented levels of performance. If you're so inspired, please share your favorite ATD Houston moments on social media. By tagging #ATDHou, you're not only spreading the word about our great work but also encouraging others to get involved in the talent development space. 

    Thank you to all involved with planning and delivering our 2024 Technology Conference. A special thank you to all of the session leaders, presenters, and attendees; you helped make this annual event a clear success! It was also great to see so many ATD Houston members and friends at the mid-month Happy Hour Social. Hopefully, you made some great connections and were able to continue to learn about and build your network across the various professional development groups in attendance.

    I'm looking forward to all the good times of learning and networking with fellow talent development professionals. I hope to see as many ATD Houston members in New Orleans as possible. If you aren't planning to be at the ATD International Conference and Expo from May 19-22, no need to fear missing out. Like last year, we have a session that will recap of all the best moments already on the calendar. 

    Finally, I would like to highlight our chapter sponsors for this year. Without your support, we could not deliver the events that help us create meaningful experiences for our members and friends of the chapter. We are grateful for your commitment and partnership with ATD Houston! Thank you! 

    Let's keep growing! 

    Harriett Pritchett, M.Ed., CPTD©

    Chapter President

  • April 02, 2024 8:49 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    We made it through "March Madness"! Now that the Men's and Women's Final Four stages are set, I must extend huge congratulations and kudos to the UH Cougars men's team for making it all the way to the Sweet Sixteen! There were so many surprises and hard-fought wins in this year's NCAA basketball tournaments. I'm looking forward to the excitement of the championship games coming up.

    Speaking of schedules and stages being set, we have lots to look forward to at ATD Houston this month, and beyond. The team has been busy preparing for this year's Virtual Technology Conference. Join us on April 18th for a day of virtual learning and networking. Be sure to register before the early bird pricing ends! ATD Houston Virtual Technology Conference

    Also, if you plan to register for the ATD24 International Conference & EXPO, sign up to join the ATD Houston Chapter team, and you will receive a code for the chapter team discount savings. Early bird pricing ends on April 5th. We look forward to seeing you and learning alongside you in New Orleans. ATD International Conference

    BIG NEWS!! We've successfully re-launched our Geographic Interest Group and Special Interest Group sessions with our first event of the year in Sugar Land just recently. Thank you to all who attended and all involved in planning and sponsoring the event. I look forward to seeing our members connect at sessions in The Woodlands and Memorial areas in the coming weeks. Thank you to all committees involved for the hard work and collaboration on getting this done.

    Please check out our events calendar and register for an event that suits you! I look forward to seeing YOU at an in-person or online event this month.

    With kindness,

    Harriett Pritchett, ATD Houston 2024 President

  • March 04, 2024 10:35 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    Howdy, fellow Houstonians! It's Rodeo time. I think about growing up in Houston, looking forward to the carnival and livestock show every year. Anytime I meet someone not from Houston, they ask about the Rodeo. I recognize that the Rodeo is part of our identity as Houstonians. I'll never forget the year the event was canceled due to the pandemic. I no longer take the festivities for granted. I'm still determining which night I'll get to attend this year, but I do plan on going!

    This made me reflect on the question: What is ATD Houston known for? When I think of ATD Houston, I think of the vast resources we make available to our members. From our General meeting speakers to our professional development workshops, webinars, study groups, special interest groups, and deep dive meet-ups. There is no shortage of resources for continuous learning and development. The bonus is our community of professionals who are always willing to support and encourage each other's learning journey. When you think of ATD Houston, what comes to mind for you?

    It was great to hear how you are taking advantage of the resources ATD Houston has to offer during February's Call-a-Thon. Thank you to everyone who answered our calls and provided candid feedback about the value you're getting from your membership. We also thank you for letting us know what could improve your membership experience. I'm sending a huge thank you to our membership committee and KUDOS for planning the outreach effort. And a huge thanks to the entire board of volunteers for making the calls and capturing insights from the conversations.

     Join us at an upcoming event and see your feedback in action. One to note is our upcoming Virtual Technology Conference. We have a great lineup of speakers with all the hot tech topics you need to take your talent development know-how to the next level. Plus a raffle entry for those in the group of first people 40 to register.

    Please check out our events calendar and register for an event that suits you! I look forward to seeing YOU at an in-person or online event (and maybe even at the Rodeo) this month!!

    With kindness,

    Harriett Pritchett, ATD Houston 2024 President

  • February 05, 2024 11:30 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    Dear Talent Development Community,

    Here's the Groundhog Day news! Phil didn't see his shadow for the first time in two years, so Spring is just around the corner! All fellow gardening and plant enthusiasts will be pleased with this verdict.

    While I'm looking forward to Spring, I'm also thankful for progress towards our ATD Houston chapter goals. In January, we held our first general meeting and two webinar sessions of the year. The speakers were great, and their presentations were packed with practical and actionable take-aways. I want to congratulate our programming teams on hitting the ground running with successful events to kick off the year.

    I'm looking forward to more great sessions this month and next, plus our fantastic Technology Conference coming up in April. Please check out our events calendar and register for an event that suits you!

    As a team, the ATD Houston Executive Board set intentions to "Grow Together ." We want to learn as much as we can as chapter leaders while providing the best experience possible for our members. So far, we've been doing just that! I hope that you are also getting into a rhythm for the year. Hopefully, you are tracking well with the intentions you set and experiencing some early wins to keep your momentum going. ATD Houston wants to be part of your support system for achieving your goals.

    We want to know…how can we provide you more value as a chapter? We appreciate your participation in the recent survey. Throughout the year, we'll continue seeking your feedback via text messages, phone calls, and in-person conversations! We can still have in-person conversations, can't we?!? We'll use your input to help shape future professional development and networking opportunities. So please be on the lookout for requests for feedback and continued conversations about how we can continue to make our chapter the best it can be!

    Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to an exciting year ahead as we continue to "Grow Together!"

    Harriett Pritchett, M.Ed., CPTD©
    ATD Houston 2024 Chapter President

  • January 02, 2024 8:08 AM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    Dear Talent Development Community, 

    First, Happy New Year! This is one of my favorite times of year because it represents possibility, potential, and anticipation for great things to come. It is also the perfect time for reflection. Looking back on 2023 makes me proud to be part of the Houston Talent Development Community. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work alongside such talented leaders and witness firsthand what happens when teams work together to accomplish their goals. Because of our team's dedication, commitment, and leadership, we achieved great success for and with the ATD Houston chapter membership. 

    A few of our significant achievements were

    • Held our annual Technology and Fall Talent Development Conference events. 
    • Facilitated 2 CPTD Study Groups. 
    • Received recognition as Chapter of the Month 
    • Relaunched the ATD Houston Pinnacle Awards

    I must thank Lisa Torreano, our most recent Past President, and all our board members, chapter members, volunteers, and sponsors. Your time, effort, and contributions helped us get closer to achieving our vision of Inspiring talent development professionals to achieve their full potential.

    Our success as a chapter depends on your success as a talent development professional. In 2024, we will build on our past year's success to continue our mission of Growing talent development professionals through creative programming and networking to discover and achieve unprecedented performance levels. Our leadership team met this past December to review and map our plan for programs and membership offerings. I am excited about the creative programming and networking we are committed to bringing you this year. 

    I invite you to reflect on what you achieved in 2023 and what you want to build on for 2024. What new possibilities and potential does your team want to unlock this year, and how can ATD Houston be a resource for you? Once again, cheers to 2024, and I look forward to seeing you at an in-person or online event this month. 

    With Kindness,

    Harriett Pritchett
    ATD Houston President, 2024

  • January 14, 2022 12:16 PM | Debbie Richards (Administrator)

    Talent development leaders and practitioners collectively answer the call to provide support and guidance to those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees in organizations. However, a more critical and urgent call requirements our collective attention and response. The month of January represents many things. It may mean setting a specific resolution; it may mean a fresh start and perspective on an idea or interest to others. However, the month of January also represents National Blood Donor Month. Did you know that the nation's blood supply is at its all-time lowest? This month's national supply had dipped to levels that the Red Cross says it had not seen in ten years. Blood shortages have become a national epidemic.

    Communities throughout the U.S. are experiencing blood shortages more frequently and for prolonged periods due to disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our most vulnerable may be someone you know with cancer, pregnant, or someone living with sickle cell disease. A sobering fact is that while one in seven hospitalized people will need a blood transfusion in a lifetime, only one in 20 eligible blood donors donate. There is no substitute for blood, and your donation saves lives.

    So how can you help? You can help by joining our collective efforts to get the word out to our family, friends, and colleagues about the importance of donating blood in such a critical time of need. You can create a fundraising page to support the mission, whether it is by running in a marathon, donating your birthday, or anything else. You can donate by Text REDCROSS to 90999 to support Disaster Relief efforts with a $10 donation.

    Finally, make it a goal to participate in your organization's scheduled blood drives. The Red Cross (www.redcrossblood.org) is an excellent resource to find donation opportunities that genuinely can make a difference in our communities. Additionally, the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (giveblood.org) is a wonderful resource in providing safe and accurate guidance on donating blood and fundraising for the cause. After you donate in the manner you choose post to your social media and tag #ATDHou to collectively rejoice in your efforts as a community of professionals. 

    In closing, please remember that more than 33,000 daily blood donations are required throughout the U.S. to meet patient needs. Be the difference in potentially saving a life by making blood donation a habit for you, your friends, and your family this January. The talent development community can pave the way through our actions and compassion to help alleviate this crisis of blood donations. 

    Donna Hailey, 2022 ATD Houston President

  • December 17, 2021 5:01 PM | Anonymous

    As 2021 comes to a close, I want to take a moment and reflect on the year that was. ATD Houston was successful this year because of you, our chapter members. You continued to develop employees, help people upgrade their skills, and lead your companies. Also, you found time to attend ATD Houston Events. ATD Houston has remained programming virtually during this challenging time despite our best efforts. But you have continued to upgrade your skills by attending ATD Houston Events. These included virtual GIG, SIG, General Meetings, and our Annual Technology Conference in the Spring and Talent Development Conference in the fall.

    I want to pause here to thank the 2021 Board for all their hard work. Donna Hailey-President-Elect, Sandhya Lakhanpal-Vice President Membership, Brittanni Below-Vice President Finance, Jasmyne Patterson-Vice President Groups, Harriett Pritchett-Vice President Programs, Kent Nutell-"Interim" Vice President Professional Development, both Bruce Abbott-Vice President Marketing and Communication and Gloria Alvarez who stepped in halfway through the year when Bruce had to step down, and finally Debbie Richards-Past President. This group has been the glue that held us together for 2021 as we continued to suffer the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and ATD Houston would not function without them.

    We look forward to 2022 and what we can bring to the table for Talent Development in the Houston area. May you and your family have a Happy Holiday, and we look forward to seeing you in 2022.

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Association for Talent Development, Houston Chapter

1321 Antoine Drive, Houston, TX 77055
Email: feedback@tdhouston.org

P 713-839-1757

F 713-839-1453

CHIP Code: CH7032 - Use for every purchase at the ATD Store

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