Outsmart Your Brain for Trainers
How to Manage Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel
Masterful delivery requires you set and maintain a positive emotional tone even when you are challenged by people or technology. This means you need to notice when your own emotions arise and shift back to being present, positive, and accepting. To do this, you must master your brain when you feel impatient or uncomfortable. This session includes practical exercises to immediately help you ease your tension, curb your defensiveness, and create a powerful learning environment. You will learn how to identify your most common emotional triggers and diffuse their energy when teaching, presenting ideas, and receiving feedback. The energy you bring to the room has as much if not more impact than your words. Master your brain to maximize your results.
This session is for both new and experienced trainers who may experience reluctant, resistant, or distracted students, and environmental distractions that could disrupt their flow.
As a participant, you will learn how to:
- Determine the circumstances that are likely to trigger your emotions and judgments.
- Use Reflective Intelligence to "catch your emotions" before you react while teaching or presenting ideas.
- Reset your listening position when challenged in the classroom.
- Apply a 4-Step Reframing Process to counter your impulses and maintain a powerful learning environment.
- Choose the best time for you to receive feedback on your delivery.
Tools Provided for the Objectives
Determine the circumstances that are likely to trigger your emotions and judgments.
Participants will be provided with a list and examples of emotional triggers common for talent development professionals whether delivering in a classroom or presenting proposals to leaders.
Use Reflective Intelligence to "catch your emotions" before you react while teaching or presenting ideas.
After differentiating Reflective Intelligence from Emotional Intelligence, participants will locate their biological reactions when triggered to protect themselves or defend their ideas.
Reset your listening position when challenged in the classroom.
There are 3 conditions necessary for creating "psychological safety" when interacting with others. Participants will be given tips for ensuring the 3 conditions are created.
Apply a 4-Step Reframing Process to counter your impulses and maintain a powerful learning environment.
Participants will practice a 4-step process for releasing their impulses and choosing how to feel in the moment. This presencing routine will help them create a positive and productive space for learning.
Choose the best time for you to receive feedback on your delivery.
As a bonus tip, participants will be given the opportunity to discover the best time for themselves to receive feedback after delivering a class, and how to professionally delay the feedback if necessary.
Instructor: Dr. Marcia Reynolds is one of the original founders of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
As a Master Certified Coach, Marcia's delivery style has evolved to be primarily interactive. Her sessions are full of exercises, application discussions, thought-provoking questions, and opportunities to practice techniques.
She will sprinkle in information on how the brain works when emotionally triggered to help participants understand the skills they are learning. She also pairs principles with examples and short, engaging stories so participants can relate their challenges to the material they are learning, and to illustrate how the techniques are implemented. The session will be fun, engaging, and active